Research at ifab
Within our various research projects, we conduct research in the three areas of human-machine interaction, workplace design and work organization. Our extensive laboratory equipment is used for this purpose.
Human-machine interaction
The research work at ifab is primarily dedicated to human-robot interaction and driver-vehicle interaction. Regardless of the domain, the focus is on researching user-friendly utility objects that are characterized by high efficiency, safety and comfort in use. Depending on the research question, the focus of research tends to be on anthropometric, occupational physiology or cognitive aspects. Current work is investigating, for example, the use of automatic systems or the recognition of relevant user intentions and conditions (e.g. strain, fatigue).
Work design
The overarching aim is to design work activities in production and service companies in a humane way so that the strain on employees is reduced and their performance is increased at the same time. In addition to issues relating to the design of the working environment (e.g. noise, lighting, climate), the focus is on the provision of suitable work and operating equipment as well as the arrangement of workstations in the available space. The ifab has well-founded consulting expertise, such as the development of technical protective measures, the application of standards and guidelines or the use of relevant methods and tools.
Work organization
The aim of work organization is to create an optimal interaction between people, resources and information and work tasks. On the one hand, the content-related and structural organization of work tasks and their integration into the hierarchy (organizational structure) are examined. On the other hand, the spatial and temporal division of tasks as well as the cooperation between people and equipment are researched (process organization). Work organization research is always dependent on the socio-economic context. At present, the main areas of interest are issues relating to the digital networking of work or the consequences of demographic change for the world of work.