Assembly laboratory

Interaction workstation
Assembly workstation

The assembly laboratory offers the opportunity to experience ergonomics "live". Students can evaluate and design assembly workstations themselves. Height-adjustable tables, gripping containers, lighting etc. are available for the optimal setup of a workstation. The assembly laboratory can also be used for experiments in the field of ergonomics.

Interaction workstation

In the course of digitalization and automation, more and more manual assembly activities can be supported by the use of robots. The interaction workstation is equipped with a UR5 (Universal Robot) robot arm, light rings, gesture control and visual and auditory support for the assembly process. With the help of the workstation, manual assembly can be examined and compared with several variants of robot-assisted assembly. From an ergonomic point of view, for example, it is interesting to see whether the assembly process can be carried out faster or more comfortably for the worker thanks to the support. It is also possible to investigate how such a robot-assisted workplace should be designed.

Assembly workstation

Here, students can try out ergonomic assessments and the basic ergonomic rules for themselves as part of some courses at ifab. As part of research activities at ifab, this workstation is also used to conduct studies and experiments.