Test subjects wanted!

Our research depends on people taking part in scientific studies, which enables us to gain new insights into human experience and behavior. To do this, we need motivated volunteers to take part in our studies. This participation not only offers you insights into empirical work and our research focus, but can also help you in your search for suitable projects and theses.
We and other empirical institutes at KIT manage our volunteer studies via the SONA program. To see our current studies and to register for appointments, please create a SONA account.
For students in mechanical engineering: Subject hours as participation in empirical research (LVNr. 2111022 - Participation in empirical research)
As part of the new teaching concept of subject hours, you can have 10 subject hours credited as two credit points (CP). No additional examination is required.
We use the SONA system to provide you and us with an up-to-date overview of available studies, open participation periods and the number of hours you have already collected. The allocation of subject hours takes place exclusively via this system.
There are no general participation requirements and the subject hours can be collected over the entire duration of your studies. You do not have to complete them within one semester.
How to SONA:
- Create an account
- Log in, register for participation, actually participate and collect subject hours
- Send proof of 10 trial hours by email with your matriculation number to sona ∂does-not-exist.ifab kit edu (currently: alexandra.nick@kit.edu)