The aim of ergonomic workplace design or ergonomic product development is to adapt spatial arrangements and time sequences to the anatomical and physiological needs of people.
For this purpose, digital human models are created on the basis of anthropometric data. In addition, an environmental geometry is created in which the model is imported. Postures, movement sequences and field of vision conditions can then be determined. In the simulation, dimensions, forces and visual conditions can be interactively checked and optimized.
Digital human models, such as the Anybody Modeling System™, depict musculoskeletal structures and make it possible to calculate body forces and torques. In this way, mechanical body loads can be determined and assessed.
This means that different application scenarios with different users (age, gender, proportions, etc.) can be tested in the early planning phases of product development or workplace design. The use of digital human models can significantly reduce the amount of changes required later on.
Jack and Process Simulate
The Jack software from Siemens PLM Software makes it possible to test the ergonomics of products and workstations with the help of digital human models. The human models can be adapted to the respective target group in terms of their anthropometric characteristics. With the help of the software, it is possible to assess ergonomic factors such as required space, reach, field of vision, risk of injury, fatigue, comfort and many more.
Virtual evaluation
Another important component in the design of workplaces is the evaluation by employees working at the workplace. By using virtual reality, 3D CAD models can be displayed in virtual space, allowing developed concepts to be experienced directly. The VR tool from R3DT GmbH, a KIT spin-off, translates the CAD model into a virtual prototype and supports exploration by enabling intuitive interaction using various hand gestures. This opens up access to user feedback at an early design stage.