Projektschaubild ProKiKIT wbk

ProKI-Karlsruhe - Karlsruhe Center for AI in Machining

Artificial intelligence (AI) can open up considerable potential in production to support employees and further optimize manufacturing processes. SMEs (small and medium-sized enterprises) are still uncertain when it comes to assessing the opportunities, limits and risks of using AI. Insufficient knowledge and experience regarding the procedures for the introduction and use of AI technologies as well as limited resources lead to reluctance.

The research project has set itself the goal of making the extensive potential of artificial intelligence in production visible and tapping into it. As one of eight demonstration and transfer centers in Germany, the project aims to make a contribution to implementing this vision. In addition to IFAB, two other research institutes in Karlsruhe are also part of the center. We will examine the involvement of humans in the implementation of AI-based approaches in more detail and investigate some of these questions: How do qualification requirements for employees change through the use of AI? How do human-AI interfaces need to be designed? How does the introduction of AI change the organization of work or successful leadership behavior?

On the one hand, we work empirically and, on the other, we support manufacturing companies, particularly in the field of machining, in the form of training courses, workshops or AI consultations to transfer the knowledge gained into broad, operational application.