Decision Making in Hybrid Adaptive Systems for Better Work and Life - An Open Science Approach
- Contact:
- Funding:
KIT - Future Field 3
- Partner:
Institut für Telematik/Pervasive Computing Systems, Institute of Information Systems and Marketing, Institut für Sport und Sportwissenschaft, Institut für Angewandte Informatik und Formale Beschreibungssprachen, Institut für Unternehmensführung, Institut für Volkswirtschaftslehre
- Startdate:
- Enddate:
In today's world, we humans interact daily with IT systems that are designed to adapt to our needs and guide our decision-making. This interdisciplinary project aims to investigate how exactly individuals, teams and organizations interact with hybrid adaptive IT systems in the areas of work and life. In addition, existing Open Science structures are to be integrated into a holistic Open Science infrastructure. As part of this project, IFAB would like to research in particular how ergonomic IT-based adaptive systems can be developed and what mental models there may be for these systems.
(Image created with Midjourney on 03.11.2023)