Innovation lab ultra-efficient factory
- Contact:
- Funding:
BWPLUS – Baden-Württemberg Programm Lebensgrundlage Umwelt und ihre Sicherung
- Partner:
Schaeffler Automotive Buehl GmbH & Co. KG
Fraunhofer-Institut für Produktionstechnik und Automatisierung IPA
KIT ifab – Institut für Arbeitswissenschaft und Betriebsorganisation
Universität Stuttgart – Institut für Energieeffizienz in der Produktion EEP
- Startdate:
- Enddate:
The concept of the ultra-efficient factory is based on the five fields of action of energy, materials, emissions, people and organization. Using the example of electric motor production for the automotive industry, a resource-conserving production process is being designed at Schaeffler's Bühl site.
The task of the ifab is to analyse the human factor with the aim of designing both the workplaces and the structural and process organization in a human-friendly way. The activities carried out by the employees are to be designed in a way that promotes personal development, is complete and ergonomically sensible and provides individual support so that a sustainable working environment can be created that spans generations. As part of the project, various methods of ergonomics are used, such as questionnaires, interviews, virtual simulations and work environment measurements.