Working techniques in mechanical engineering

  • type: Kurs (Ku)
  • chair: KIT-Fakultäten - KIT-Fakultät für Maschinenbau - Institut für Arbeitswissenschaft und Betriebsorganisation
    KIT-Fakultäten - KIT-Fakultät für Maschinenbau
  • semester: SS 2024
  • time: Fr. 19.04.2024
    15:45 - 17:15
    30.95 Audimax
    30.95 Hörsaal-Gebäude am Forum (AUDIMAX) (EG)

  • lecturer: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Barbara Deml
  • sws: 1
  • lv-no.: 2174970
  • information:

    Presence/online mixed

The course "Working Techniques in Mechanical Engineering (ATM)" (including the workshops) will be offered for the last time in the summer semester 2024. If you do not pass ATM or are unable to take it, you must instead take the lecture "Scientific Work and Empirical Research Methods" with an ungraded written exam (2 CP) and another course (2 CP) from the range of key qualifications offered in the next version of this module from summer semester 2025. If you have any questions, please contact the ifab office:

The aim of the course is to acquire the necessary basic knowledge of scientific work in the field of mechanical engineering and the practical implementation of a scientific term paper. The paper is written in the form of a literature review and presents the state of research on a current engineering topic. The necessary theoretical foundations are taught via the e-learning course "Fundamentals of Scientific Work for Students of Mechanical Engineering" in the following subject areas:

1. introduction to scientific work
2. creation of a research question & planning of work steps
3. scientific literature research
4. scientific writing
5. scientific presentation

Building on the e-learning course, students will learn how to write a scientific paper on current topics from the chairs of the KIT Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in a group work. The groups are supervised by the individual chairs and the theoretical basics are deepened in further exercises. Learning objectives:
After successful participation in the course, students will be able to
- Independently structure and set up a research question
- Plan tasks in a resource- and goal-oriented manner
- Find and evaluate suitable literature sources and extract information
- Independently structure and organize a scientific paper
- Record information and results in a meaningful written form
- Prepare a scientific question and results visually, present them orally and defend them
- Work together in a team in a task-oriented and constructive manner

Success controls:
1. online test within the e-learning course
2. structuring and creating a research question as the basis for the scientific term paper
3. preparation of a scientific paper of at least 5 pages per student according to a given design guideline
4. preparation and realization of a scientific presentation in the group

The course is passed if:
- You have registered for the examination on the KIT campus by 28.07.2024.
- You have passed the online test of the e-learning course and have provided proof up to and including 19.05.2024.
- you have prepared and submitted a structured research question by 26.05.2024 inclusive
- you have submitted the scientific paper in full by 14.07.2024 inclusive.
- you have submitted a scientific presentation up to and including 14.07.2024 and given it up to and including 28.07.2024
- you have regularly and actively participated in the group meetings (period from 06.05.-28.07.2024).

If you have not submitted the individual performance assessments on time or in sufficient quality, the course will be graded as failed and must be repeated in one of the following semesters. The introductory event will take place on 15.04.2024. Contact the coordinating institute: Lecture languageGermanOrganizational informationThe course is aimed at students on the Bachelor's degree course in Mechanical Engineering in their fourth semester. Students on the Bachelor's degree course in Mechanical Engineering in other semesters as well as students on the Master's degree course in Mechanical Engineering or other degree courses can take part if places are still available. The introductory event will take place once on 15.04.2024. The course then consists of an e-learning course, which ends with an online test, and accompanying self-study in small groups over the entire lecture period. The group meetings take place every 14 days during the lecture period. Registration for the groups takes place via ilias.