Ergonomics I: Ergonomics

  1. Fundamentals of human work
  2. Behavioral science data collection
  3. Workplace design
  4. Work environment design
  5. Labor economics
  6. Labor law and representation of interests

Learning objectives:

Students acquire basic knowledge in the field of ergonomics:

  • They will be able to design workplaces ergonomically with regard to cognitive, physiological, anthropometric and safety aspects.
  • They are also familiar with physical and psychophysical principles (e.g. noise, lighting, climate) in the area of work environment design.
  • Students are also able to evaluate workplaces in terms of labor economics by knowing and being able to apply essential methods of time study and wage determination.
  • Finally, they also gain an initial overview of German labour law and the organization of inter-company representation of interests.

In addition, participants will learn about key methods of behavioral science data collection (e.g. eye tracking, ECG, dual-task paradigm).

Lecture languageGerman, English

The course materials are available for download on ILIAS.

Organizational details

The course "Arbeitswissenschaft I: Ergonomie" takes place in the first half of the semester on Wednesday and Thursday until 12.12.2024.

From 18.12.2024, the course "Arbeitswissenschaft II: Arbeitsorganisation" will take place on Wednesday and Thursday.

- Written examination

- The lecture has a workload of 120 h (=4 CP).

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