Traceability of automation behavior and human intervention options in normal operation, at system limits and in the event of system failure
- Funding:
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
- Partner:
Lehrstuhl und Institut für Arbeitswissenschaft der RWTH Aachen (IAW),
Institut für Kraftfahrzeuge der RWTH Aachen (ika)
- Startdate:
- Enddate:
In the context of cooperatively interacting automobiles, it will be investigated under which conditions humans can understand automation behavior and when it is possible for them to intervene in a meaningful way. In order to narrow down this broad task, starting from a very highly automated normal operation, special attention is paid to the relationship between normal operation, system limits and system failure, in particular to the interaction between humans and cooperative vehicles, to the dependencies between driving and non-driving tasks and their detection in the laboratory.
This objective implies various fields of research that are to be investigated within the project: Traceability of automation behavior, role and intervention possibilities of humans, human involvement at system boundaries, human involvement and transitions in case of system failures as well as the explicit and/or implicit consideration of the human state.
The project is being carried out as part of the DFG Priority Program 1835 "Cooperative Interacting Automobiles".